I still can’t believe that my family’s journey with cloth diapering will be over in just a handful of months. What a ride it has been, and an unexpected one at that.
We have 2 children, and when we were pregnant with the first, cloth diapering wasn’t on our radar AT ALL. My best friend used hybrid diapers and suggested I look into them, but I didn’t pay too much attention. And since my BFF lived far away from me and I didn’t get to actually see the diapers, I had no idea just how great they really were.
One thing I distinctly remember about getting into cloth diapering, however, was how completely overwhelming it is. There are (seemingly) a dozen different types of diapers, all of which have their own language of terminology, and dozens upon dozens of different brands. How do you know which cloth diaper is best?
The short answer is, you don’t! What works best for one baby won’t necessarily work as well for the next. But I promise you, you WILL get the hang of it. And when you find something you love, hold on to it!
I always loved reading about the experiences other parents had with different diapers, and reading those reviews helped me find some of my very favorites, as well. Here are all 28 cloth diaper reviews I have done over the past 4 years. I hope you will find them useful as you wade through all the information out there and make your decisions about which brands and types to use when building your stash. By no means is this an exhaustive list of available options, but I think you will find some brands that are very popular, as well as some lesser known brands that are also great finds!
Newborn Cloth Diapering
All-in-One (AIO) Diapers
All-in-Two (AI2) Diapers
Pocket Diapers
Prefold and Cover Diapers
Hybrid Diapers (also called Two-in-One)
Overnight Diapers
Potty Training Information/Products
Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. The fact that you want to cloth diaper means you are on the right track, even if you are feeling a bit lost! 🙂
I have 8 bum genious diapers for the DC. And I wash aprox. 2-3 times a week. Now I use purel free and clear its cheap and BC has no added scents is okay to use. Use hot water to wash but I have heard ppl say use cold to increase longevity of diaper. I want it to be sanatized so I use hot. You can dry the AIOs in the dryer although not recommended , I do and it works fine.usegentle dr. Hot dry will make some brands of flats as well as prefolds shrink. I also wash all mine with my regular clothes . this only caused a problem once when my roomy put the washer on cold things didn’t get clean.
Want to leave a small review. I am using almost all birds eye flats. I think they’re great. Require folding which is difficult for the DC providers so I end AIOs with my LO to daycare. The flats dry quickly. They are versatile being able to fold to fit new born to well in my experience at least 9 mo. But I ve b
Been told they will work through potty training. I use snappies to hold them together. I hate the safety pins. I stuck myself and my lil bro when I was a kid. I bought OsoCozy flats package of 12 for$25 and BubuBibi covers 6 for $42. I have also bought blueberry flats and Green Mt. Flats but the OsoCozy I think are the best value. Over all I have 50 flats 10 covers including some from sweet pea and a beautiful one from ()*.
()*=Ecoable. I think this one is amazing BC it has a satin like texture rather than a polyester texture. Oh yeah all of my diapers have snaps. I don’t do Velcro. It gets messed up in hot wash and its like the old diaper adhesive wings to me just ends up a mess not neat and tidy looking like when other ppl do.
I’m mostly new to cloth diapering. I had to switch to cloth when my son was a bit older because I couldn’t afford disposable any more but I used old school Gerber cloth with safety pins and plastic covers cause I was broke. Now we have money and I was just going to get a bunch of bum genius but do I need different for newborn and so on?
If you are going to be cloth diapering a newborn, I strongly recommend a rental service, as it will be less expensive, and you’ll have access to great cloth diapers for the month or so you’ll need them before your little one outgrows them!
This is very informative. Thank you!
I really want to try cloth diapers this time around but it is soo overwhelming to me. Now I feel like I have a great selection of reviews to examine. Thanks!
my daughter in law is using cloth,,an now she is expecting again,they will be 13months apart,,she will have 2 in cloth diapers,,how many would you need for 2?
Oh wow! I would definitely say that I good rule of thumb is to have at least a dozen per child. Part of it depends on exactly how she is cloth diapering. If she is using prefolds and covers, then she doesn’t need a dozen covers per child, but could probably get away with 6 covers per child and then a dozen inserts per child at a minimum. But if she does AIOs, which take a long time to dry, then a dozen per child is probably not enough. So it really sort of depends on the cloth diaper style, and it also depends on how often she is willing to do cloth diaper laundry! Either way, she definitely needs a good washing machine! 🙂 As for me, I only do cloth diaper laundry twice a week (and sometimes slightly less) so I have to have more diapers. The trade off is worth it to me, though!
Could you lost your cloth diaper collection as an example?