Attention Food Lion shoppers! I’ve got some exciting news about some new developments happening on the Food Lion website that are designed to help you get your grocery store shopping done faster AND save you some money.
Let me introduce you to the MVP Coupon Hub. This site allows you to do several very cool things. First and foremost, you can load coupons directly to your MVP card, and then print the list of coupons you loaded for easy reference in the store.
Second, you can also easily build a list from the Food Lion weekly flyer. As you browse it online, just click on anything you’d like to buy, and it adds it to a list for you! I found this to be a much faster way of shopping the sales than going through the flyer myself and circling everything, as I always seem to miss something that way.
Finally, you can also print some printable coupons right from the store website. No need to go all over the internet hunting them down!
I received a gift card from Food Lion so that I could experience the MVP Coupon Hub for myself. I used to be pretty good at clipping coupons, but after my second child was born, it became increasingly difficult to find the time to match up sales with coupons, go out and buy Sunday papers so I could clip them, and also print the ones offered online. I became overwhelmed and just gave up.
Through the MVP Coupon Hub at Food Lion, I was able to take care of everything with a few simple clicks. I loved having coupons go straight onto my card, and my very favorite thing was being able to pick out what I wanted from their sales online and then just print my list. The truth of saving money at the grocery store is that you will save the most just by shopping the sales. Yes, coupons can absolutely save you more, but if you want to get the biggest return on your time investment, you simply need to shop the sales. Food Lion has made that VERY easy, and as a busy working mom, I very much appreciate that.
Once I saved cards to my MVP card, shopped the sale flyer, and found a few coupons I wanted to print, I gathered my lists and headed to the store.
I went through the stores and scooped up deal after deal, just following along with my lists. Gala apples on sale? Don’t mind if I do!
My MVP coupons were also fun to use, as they made some products that weren’t already on sale feel like they WERE on sale, just for me! And they sometimes made name brands cost less than the store brands (for example: I had a .75 coupon for Philadelphia cream cheese). Score!
I also just happened to notice a fair number of closeout stickers throughout the store. That doesn’t have anything to do with the coupon portal, but it is something to keep your eyes peeled for, as that is another EASY way to save some money on groceries.
At the end of my shopping trip, I found out that I saved $38, and I only spent a few extra minutes getting my lists together. That’s a powerful testimony to the power of the Food Lion coupon portal, I have to say!
Try the Coupon Portal and WIN!!!
Every week until March 4, Food Lion will select 8 lMVP Coupon Hub users each week to win a $25 Food Lion gift card (the funds will be loaded directly to your MVP card…so easy!). At the end of the Save to Win sweepstakes, one grand prize winner will win $1,000 loaded to their MVP card!!!!! To enter that giveaway, all you need to do is load at least one coupon to your MVP card. It’s just that simple!
Win it!: I get to host my own giveaway, too! FOUR Stuff Parents Need readers will each win a $25 Food Lion gift card!
Be sure to enter my other current giveaways, found on the sidebar of my page.
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I always make shopping lists, I also love using coupons and try to use them as much as I can.
I make a list before I shop. I also load coupons onto my store card and I cut coupons. I shop the ads for great deals.
I use lots of coupons ans shop the sales.
I shop sales. I make a list.
I do it all. I stock up on coupons, I use my MVP card, and I look for special deals too.
I make a list and then look thru my coupons that I’m going to use
I make a shopping list and use coupons. I try to menu plan before I grocery shop so I stay focused on what I need to get.
i need to start using coupons
i have been thinking about starting doing coupons.i really need to so i can save money
I have started trying to only grocery shop once a month. We grow a lot of our own veggies and fruits so I freeze those to use in the winter. If I run out of milk then i’ll stop somewhere and pick that up but once a month shopping seems to be helping us use up everything we have and less is wasted. I also shop at two of our local stores. One has cheaper meat and dairy products the other has cheaper canned goods.
I always shop with coupons, a shopping list, and a general idea of what we need. However, I am such an impulse buyer, and I always pick up a little extra for my household.
i rely heavily on coupons and weekly specials. also, if shopping at walmart, i consistently use ad-matching, especially on produce and dairy products.
I use a ton of coupons when I go shopping. I try to match up the prodcuts that i need with the coupons that i have. I also make a pretty strict list of things that i’m going to get and try to follow it. Every now and then there will be something else i reemember that i need but i’m pretty good at staying on a budget!
I use coupons, load coupons to my store cards, make a list and never go shopping hungry!
I use coupons. I make a list and load anything I can onto my loyalty card. I try to match up coupons to sale prices to get the most bang for my buck.
i always make lists, and try to time myself so i dont just stroll down every aisle. i definitely use coupons, and i wish that food lion would double them.
I love to use coupons and take my time going up and down the aisles
I make a list and also bring plenty of coupons.
I use coupons occasionally when I can get free items.
I use coupons all the time – both ecoupons and regular coupons!
I always use coupons when I shop! I look at the week’s circulars to get a good idea of what is on sale, and try to plans meals as much as I can around the sales. And I use online coupons, too, and load some onto my grocery card for the products I know I’ll use.
I TRY to clip coupons. I load them on my card when I remember too. We just moved so I’m still getting used to new coupon policies at Food Lion as this is my first time using them. Lists are always a must or I will forget 90% of what I need!
I clip coupons and match them to sale items. I also load coupons to my store cards.
I make a list and usually print out my coupons.
I always try to coupon with the closeout price and follow a list. Thank you for the giveaway.
I use coupons all the time. When I need groceries, I make a list of the items needed, and then go online looking for coupons to go with the items needed. I also look through the sales ads and try to match up coupons that way as well. Using my MVP card at Food Lion also saves me money on the specials provided each week.
I love to use coupons and try to do so I usually have them in my wallet all together and I have to dig through them.
I usually shop with a list & I use coupons, as well as load digital coupons on my card too. Shopping with a list helps so much so that I don’t forget things.
I always use coupons and look out for reduced items, too.
I always use coupons and make a list before going to the grocery store. Sometimes I stumble on a deal to good to pass up
I make a list, check sale flyers and website, use coupons and my MVP card
I use coupons and look for sales.
Every couple of months I go ahead and do a big coupon trip. Otherwise it is occasional. When shopping at the mall I use my smart phone
I make a list but it always seems like I end up buying more than what is on it, I shop aisle by aisle and look for sales, I sometimes use coupons but not as often as I should.
We just go up and down every isle and try to use coupons when we can.
I use coupons and take a list of “must haves” then I wing it from there.
We use ads, coupons, and a lists.
I use coupons and always have a list to follow at the store.
make a list, check it twice, use coupons from the sunday paper
I load coupons to my shopper cards. I print coupons online & clip from the newspaper & I shop sales 🙂
I use a list and mobile and paper coupons
I check out and compare prices and any coupons for the stores near me.
I use coupons sometimes, but too often I am just too busy to use them.
I like the new coupon scanner at Food Lion. The coupons are already perforated for you.
I am usually in such a hurry I feel Like I’m playing Super Market Sweep. I’m trying to get in and out as fast as possible which leaves little time for coupons or comparing prices.
I’m really bad at grocery shopping, I generally just wander the aisles!
I make a grocery list but don’t always follow it. I like to get what’s on special for the week and I do use coupons that I cut from the paper. I almost always go up and down all the aisles.
I always look at coupon sites before I make my list. I try to get everything thats on sale and use coupons to get the best deal!
I usually have a list and I check out the store flyer and look for any mark downs in the store.
i make a list but dont use coupons.
We use coupons, read thgpe store ad and look for marked down, clearance items.
I ALWAYS have my coupon binder with me, and usually make a detailed list. It’s fun to just grab your coupons sometimes and go up and down the isles seeing what deals you can make up on the fly!
Yes I use coupons and load them to my card.
I use coupons and try to watch the sales as much as possible.
I load up on online and newspaper coupons. Make a list from the sales papers and decide what I might need for the next few weeks
I am a planner when it comes to grocery shopping so I always have a list already made out with coupons matched up to my items that I need. I also try to use E-coupons as much as I can. I love my savings 🙂
I always have my list & coupons with me. The first area of the store I hit is the produce section so I can check out sales & maybe find some new items!
I shop with a list & use as many coupons as possible.
I have an app on my phone called ShopShop. I keep my grocery list on it, organized according to the aisles. I always use my rewards card if the store has one and I use coupons if it’s still a good deal. Sometimes the coupon isn’t cheaper! I also shop by unit price unless it’s a brand we prefer.
I always use coupons as much as I can when I shop. I also take a list but pick up other items also. I use to love grocery shopping, but because of the cost now, I hate going.
I use as many coupons as I can each trip
I shop using coupons I’ve loaded to my card as well as paper coupons. I don’t go to the store without them!
I make a detailed list with the size of the item – S for sale price, C for coupon amount and L for limit number you can get at one time. This way when I go I know exactly what I am looking for and I paper clip the coupons to the list so I won’t forget them. I am so thankful for the websites who match up the sales and coupons. I always hunt for the close-outs and clearances too and stock up when the price is low.
I usually bring coupons and a list with me to the grocery store. Occasionally I load the coupons on the store cards.
I use coupons all the time and ad match!!! I normally try to make a list before I go so I can check for coupons on those products!
I am a coupon queen if you can do it I do it, i use coupons, load my cards, combine it with my apps and rebates. I dont buy it if its not on sale and I dont have a coupon for it!
I like to use coupons and make a list but I do also just walk up and down the isles. I might see something else I forgot to write own.
I coupon taking advantage of both loading coupons to a card, apps on iphone, printing out coupons, and cutting coupons. I often go to southernsavers . com to look at what’s on sale and print or write down a list.
I wish I was more organized with coupons and shopping lists, but I mostly cruise the aisles for sales and specials. I try to make meals based on what I found on sale each week.
I like to use coupons and ibotta. I usually just walk up and down every isle though “just in case”, but I never buy anything unless it’s on sale and it’s a normal buy for me.
I create a list using weekly circulars. I combine sales with coupons that I clip in newspaper inserts, print online, and download to my shopper’s card.
i grocery shop by going up and down the aisles. i start by grabbing the essentials then check the sales to see what additional items to buy
I have never loaded coupons on my card but I do use coupons I’ve printed from the internet, and occasionally news paper coupons as well. My couponing has declined since the birth of my second child though!!!!
Food lion is the main place I shop at. I clip coupons every week and make my lists. I have tried loading them onto my MVP card but I forget which coupons I have put on…
Make my list, match coupons take my loyalty card and go
Most of the time I use coupons when I shop. I end up using a combo of store loaded coupons and paper coupons in order to save money.
Entered the rafflecopter as “Wild orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I use coupons, make a list and then go up and down each aisle to catch the unexpected sales or discounts. Thanks for the chance!
I make a list, price match, coupon, all of it!
I always make lists for grocery shopping and clipped coupons to match deals. Hardly ever go through each and every aisle, just directly to get what I need and off the store.
I use an app on my iPhone for my list and I put items in order of how I’ll find them. I shop at Food Lion a lot and I use their store coupons when I can. My local store has less variety, but I do believe their prices are a tad lower so it’s worth it.
I make my grocery shopping list based on the sales my store has and on the coupons I have on hand. I pretty much stick with my list unless I find products on clearance or in-store coupons
I use coupons, use my list andalso walk up and down the aisles in case I forgot something or see a new product a want to try or a sale.
I try to do a quick inventory of my pantry and freezer to make a quick weekly meal plan. Then, I make my list. I load coupons on my store’s rewards card and I sift through my stack. On my list, I write any quantities or brands (if the coupon is specific enough) because sometimes my preferred brand is still cheaper without coupons. Then, I try to stick to my list. But, sometimes a good deal on something sneaks into my cart.
I make a list and buy only what is on the list.
I do make a list and have coupons to match. I shop at multiple stores. I sometimes price match at Walmart. I load coupons on my harris teeter card and just got started doing the hub
We usually go up and down the isles but that’s all going to change soon. We just found out that our oldest daughter is allergic to a few things and it’s going to make grocery shopping much harder.
I use coupons, but I am not an avid coupner and I do not load them to my store card
We almost always use coupons and we also load digital coupons to our store cards. I definitely make a list or we’d forget something.
When I go grocery shopping, I always make a list and use a grocery store’s shopper loyalty card. I try to limit my impluse shopping.
I use coupons and use a list.
I use coupons as much as possible. I make a list, usually using the store flyer and I match up coupons to that list.
I make a shopping list and bring coupons with me. I think the coupon hub at Food Lion is great because you get to load the coupons onto your loyalty card, which is great for me because I often lose coupons. I shop at Food Lion every couple of days so it would be awesome to win a gift card! Thanks.