Interested in having your point of view shared with Stuff Parents Need readers? Great! I welcome guest posts on my site. Simply email me at with your guest post idea. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you write your proposal:
- Your content must be original, and not copied from any other source, including your own blog.
- Guest posts are reserved for bloggers and blog readers. If you are a business and want to write about your product or service, that qualifies as an advertorial. This also applies for freelance writers who are paid to write articles with links back to businesses. There is a fee for these types of posts on my site, and all links will be nofollow for sponsored content. Please contact me for details on pricing.
- I’m open to ideas for posts, but it needs to be relevant to my audience. Here are a few examples of topics that would be of interest: frugal living; going “green”; parenting tips and tricks; products you have come to love and why; products that were truly disappointing and why; easy crafts/activities to do with young children; blogging tips. You are not limited to these topics, but hopefully that guides you. Never be afraid to ask!
- Great pictures are a huge plus! Readers love to see images that are “pinnable” so to get maximum traffic, be sure to have a great shot or two in your post. Remember that the photo must either be your own or be something you have permission to use.
- Remember to engage the readers. Pose a question at the end of your post and be sure to respond to comments to keep the discussion going!
When you have your post written, be sure to send it to me in html formatting so that I can easily transfer it to my blog. Include an introduction so that the reader can know a bit about you. Don’t forget to include a link to your blog, if you have one!