I’ve been using Honest.com products (also known as The Honest Company) for a few months, now, and I wanted to create this post as a landing page for all of my honest company product reviews. I am not being paid to talk with you about these products, though I do earn a referral credit if you chose to sign up to try the products for yourself (every person who subscribes can refer others for credit).
Some of the products I have tried I absolutely adore, and others have been an honest disappointment. As I post reviews, I will create links below so you can read for yourself if I think the product is a “must try” or a “pass.”
If you’ve never tried Honest.com products before and want to know where buy honest company products, start by reading about how to get Honest.com products for free. There’s a way to get all 3 of their free trials at once! 🙂
Below you will find my honest company review for almost every honest product.
Honest 3-in-1 Facial Towelettes
Honest Complete for Men Once Daily Multivitamin
Honest Mineral Spray Sunscreen
To be reviewed (let me know if there’s a product on this list you want to see reviewed ASAP!):Â
Honest Multi-Surface Cleaner
Honest Floor Cleaner
Honest Dryer Cloths
Honest Training Pants
Honest Body Oil
Honest Kid’s Toothpaste
Honest Kids’ Toothpaste
Honest Laundry Pods
Honest Healing Balm
Honest Organic Baby Powder
Honest Face & Body Lotion
Honest Foaming Soap
Honest Kid’s Sunglasses
Honest Sunscreen Stick
Honest Organic Breathe Easy Rub
Foaming Hand Soap
Kid’s Multivitamins
DHA/Omega-3 Vitamins
Kid’s Immunity Boost
Baby & Toddler Multi Powder
Soy Candles
Thank you so much for your reviews! I am awaiting my first bundle and dying to know if I will like the products. Most of what I chose you have reviewed but would you do a review of the floor cleaner and the floor wipes if you have tried them? I was thinking of getting those next.
Again, thank you! I’m glad I found your blog
What is your opinion of the wipes? I don’t feel like they work as well as Huggies but wonder if that’s the difference in using the chemicals or if there is a better wipes out there stripped of the chemicals?
I like the wipes! Now, I will say that the most effective wipes on the market, in my opinion, are Huggies brand (they are the thickest!), but since the Honest wipes come in the bundle, and since my toddler STILL likes to chew/suck on wipes, I’m cool with opting for these because I know they are not filled with harsh chemicals. But I still think they are good wipes, though not the very best in terms of their effectiveness.
I specifically looked for a review of the wipes…because I wasn’t happy with them either. They are nice and feel good on the hands and I use them for other clean up activities but not for my son’s bum. It takes away his natural oils left on the skin. I think if they added a carrier oil to their recipe, they would be more competitive on the market.
I just received my free trial yesterday. The prints are awesome! But I was wondering if you ever posted a link on how to unsubscribe to the ones we don’t want to keep getting. I’m not due for a little over 2 months now so I wanted to try to keep the diapers bundle but skip the first month and then start immediately afterwards but it seems that the only way to unsubscribe is by phone Mon-Fri? Lol But I have until 7 days from the date of arrival NOT from the date placed right? Thanks for your help in advance, I’m new to the Honest Company and wanted to try them out since I found out I was pg. I’m also excited Target has started selling their stuff. 😀
Aren’t they cute! It turns out that you do have to call in to unsubscribe. They are VERY friendly, though. They ask about why you are unsubscribing for their records, but in my experience, it isn’t in any way pushy. I would know…I have subscribed and unsubscribed from things several different times (thought I was done with diapers….NOPE! My toddler changed her mind about being potty trained…). 🙂
So I get that a lot of their products it doesn’t make sense to add to the bundle but the +3 option. But I can’t figure out 5 things to get all the time in order to get those +3 items that we would use a lot more often! What do you usually get and how often?
Excellent question, Caitlin! I actually try to buy different products each month so that I can report back to everyone about what I think! But to speak to your point about the strategy, here’s my advice: look for the items that even at 25% off would cost more than $7.20, which is what the per item cost is in the bundle. So for example, the bubble bath is $11.95, and even at 25% off as an add-on, it costs $8.96. But if you make it a bundle item then it is just $7.20. So it is a great item to put in the bundle! I hope that helps!
Thanks! Will have to look into that. I feel like I would start running out of things to do as the base 5 to get the extra 25% off anything additional! Will have to play around with it.
Honestly, I think that is by design! I think the hope is that you will pick some of the cheaper options along with some of the more expensive options to help even things out a bit. If you want my opinion, the bundle should be offered at a straight 25% or 30% discount for buying at least 5 products, no matter what they are. But alas, I’m not in charge! There are SEVERAL items in the selection that cost less to buy separately than to buy in the bundle, though, which I find to be tricky of them.
I LOVE the floor cleaner- it is pet friendly and smells good. Great for pet messes on linoleum. I also liked the body lotion. It made my skin feel great all day long.