Friends please enjoy this guest post from my younger sister, Laura, starring my super cute niece, Taralynn. Be sure to check out Laura’s new (and fabulous!) blog Southern Made Simple! Special thanks to Newton for providing an amazing product for review. All thoughts and opinions are Laura’s!
During this time last year, I was busy pinning my dream nursery on Pinterest. I was overwhelmed by all of the beautiful color schemes, nursery themes and gorgeous bedding options. After lots of research and narrowing down, I had a pretty solid vision of how my nursery was going to look. I remember searching for HOURS to find THE bedding that I wanted. I even had a checklist of requirements that it had to be, and I distinctly remember losing sleep over it one night. Crazy, right?! Needless to say, I was so relieved when I finally found the bedding that I was looking for.
While I don’t really regret spending that much time trying to find the perfect bedding, there is one major thing that I feel like I really dropped the ball on. I put all of 35 seconds into deciding what crib mattress I was going to use. The very thing that my daughter was going to spend the majority of her time on up until she’s a toddler got less than a minute of consideration. Not really knowing what my options were, I wound up purchasing a standard plastic-covered spring-filled mattress.
Sure, it seemed okay when it was being used, but I really didn’t know that what my baby was sleeping on could potentially be a hazard to her. It wasn’t until I learned about the Newton Crib Mattress that I found out what I should really be looking for when purchasing a crib mattress.
I’ve listed below a few features that one should consider when purchasing a crib mattress, and how Newton is on top of it’s game when it comes to providing your baby with a safe sleep environment.
Is the Mattress Breathable?
This one is crucial. Suffocation and overheating are believed to be two of the leading causes of SIDS, or sudden infant death syndrome. Traditional crib mattresses are notorious for having a waterproof casing over them. While that sounds like it wouldn’t be such a bad thing, it’s actually not so great. The waterproofing (which usually isn’t truly waterproof anyway) actually prevents air circulation and can trap body heat and moisture. Not only does this contribute to the risk of suffocation, but it also can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria, thus welcoming the risk for infections and respiratory issues. No thank you!
My daughter is currently 6 months old. She still loves to be swaddled, but she is fully capable of rolling over while being swaddled. Before we received the Newton mattress, it would scare me to death to see my daughter on the baby monitor rolled over onto her tummy while sleeping in her crib. I’d have to rush in her nursery to either roll her onto her back (aka wake her up) or just make sure she was in a position where she could easily breathe. Because the Newton mattress has a Wovenaire core, I don’t worry at all!
So what is Wovenaire? That’s a great question! Wovenaire is a woven-like cushion material that sort of reminds me of a package of Ramen Noodles. By volume, it’s 90% air, making it extremely light and very breathable. The other 10% is made of food-grade polymer. This mattress feels almost just like a plush foam mattress, but without the harsh chemicals.
When our mattress arrived, i really wanted to put it’s breathability to the test. So what did I do? I face planted into it. I took a deep breath with my face pressed into the mattress, and I was beaming when I could breathe easily! Two thumbs up, Newton!
Is it Washable?
While a waterproof mattress may sound appealing, it’s actually not something you want to look for. What you need is a mattress that is washable. Newton is the only mattress on the market that is 100% washable. This mattress has a zipper cover that can easily be removed and tossed in the wash. While you can’t just throw the whole mattress in the wash (that would be SO awesome), you can put it in the shower. Other mattresses require you to spot clean only, but you could hose the Newton down completely if you really wanted to! Since there is no fabric filling on the inside, there is nothing for moisture to hold on to.
To dry, you simply shake or beat with a paddle-like object. You then lay the Newton on its side in a well ventilated area, and you can expect it to be dry within 2-6 hours. I can’t even imagine getting another mattress soaking wet and expecting it to be dry within 2-6 hours!
Does it Leave a Footprint?
Newton mattresses are Green Guard certified. Standard mattresses commonly have foam, latex, glue and springs in them, but the Newton doesn’t use any of these. It is free of toxic and gassing chemicals and is hypoallergenic. It’s also 100% recyclable! Newton refers to themselves as being the “new organic”, and I’m totally digging it!
Overall, we are more than happy with our Newton mattress. In fact, we’re downright ecstatic about it. My baby girl is all smiles! And to be completely honest here, I’m actually a tad bit jealous that I don’t have one on my own bed! I heard that they may be releasing an adult size soon, though. If that’s true, I know what’s going on my Christmas list next year!
The Newton is available to purchase here, and is priced at $295 + free shipping. While this is certainly on the pricey end for crib mattresses, it is definitely hard to beat as far as safety is concerned. This company even offers a 100 night trial on their mattresses. If you aren’t completely pleased with your purchase, you can simply return at their expense for a full refund.
I hope that this encourages you to put a little more thought into your crib mattress than I did. Safe sleeping conditions are so important, and Newton definitely delivers peace of mind to parents that their babies are sleeping on the safest mattress on the market. I hope that when you are looking to purchase a mattress in the future, you consider some of the features I mentioned above and give Newton a look. I think you’ll be really pleased with what they have to offer!
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