There is nothing on this earth that brings me more joy than discovering new things with you, little love. You are my sunshine!
Big Bibs that are Fashionable and Funcional
Now that Darah is eating solids, I am finding that her cute little bibs are no longer useful. She needs more coverage from big bibs during mealtimes, and even during playtime when she sometimes still spits up. Am I the only one who has noticed that the cutest bibs in stores are really tiny and the big ones are nothing to write home about? This is the case for the vast majority of large bibs that we have in our house. Sometimes this doesn’t matter to me, since keeping Darah clean is the number 1 goal, but anytime I am taking Darah out and about and have her dressed up really cute, it bothers me to cover up her whole outfit with a bib that is drab.
Bib Bibs With Style!
Bazzle Baby is a company that offers a solution to this problem! I saw them featured in Baby Talk magazine, and when I check out their site, I learned that they offered super cute AND functional big bibs! From their site, “Big Bibs put a twist on tradition with their squared edges and ultimate coverage. Our Big Bib is perfect for your little eater! Coverage area is 8″L x 10″W. 100% Cotton designer print.”
Bazzle Baby was kind enough to send the Lava Bloom Big Bib for Darah to put to the test. I was very impressed when I put it on her and saw how much coverage it provided. The pattern is also really cute! I’ve found that this bib is typically an asset to her outfits and never a deficit. As a result, this is the bib I reach for most anytime we are headed out the door! Let me be clear, though, we aren’t afraid to use the thing! Do you know people who have “good” bibs or “good” burp cloths and don’t use them because they don’t want them to get dirty? I really can’t relate to that, folks. A bib has a purpose…to get dirty so that your child doesn’t! The Big Bib has held up beautifully in the wash (and it has been washed MANY times at this point) and the stains have all come out, so far! If ever the time comes when a stain won’t come out, though, I bet it will be really difficult to notice since it has a fun, busy pattern!
One thing that I really love about Bazzle Baby is that it is family owned and operated. Amanda Davis is the captain behind the Bazzle Baby ship, and she was inspired by her first baby to create bibs that can get the job done without sacrificing aesthetics. Every single product in this line came about as a solution to a problem for each of her children. Check out the award winning Banda Bibs that are perfect for little droolers and Burpers that are large and very absorbant, just as a burp cloth should be!
I also want to mention that Bazzle Baby is a company that gives back. It donates a portion of all sales to charities selected by its customers! You can nominate your favorite charity by emailing How cool is that?!
Buy It!: If you are tired of covering up your baby’s unforgettable outfits with totally forgettable bibs, you need a Big Bib from Bazzle Baby! Check out the awesome selection of patterns and pick a few out today for $13.00. During this giveaway, you can also save 15% off your purchase by using the code TRENDS at checkout.
Edit: Giveaway closed
Win it!:Bazzle Baby has offered one very lucky Stuff Parents Need reader a Big Bib from their current collection! Sweet!!! The contest will run until Tuesday, April 13th at 7:59pm CST. A winner will be randomly selected and emailed, and will have 48 hours to claim the prize. Open to residents of the United States.
How to Enter:
Mandatory Entry: Tell me your very favorite Big Bibs pattern. Choose wisely, as you will win what you select!
Additional Entries:
1. Subscribe to my blog via RSS or email (one extra entry total, even if you subscribe both ways)
2. Follow me through Google connect
3. Put my button on your blog (leave blog url)
4. Sign up for Bazzle Baby’s newsletter (leave email address you used to sign up)
5. Follow Stuff Parents Need on Twitter (leave your TwitterID)
6. Follow Bazzle Baby on Twitter (leave your Twitter ID)
7. Become a Fan of Bazzle Baby on Facebook
8. Enter any other currently open giveaway on my site (one extra entry per giveaway that you enter)
I received a complimentary product for review purposes. All thoughts and opinions expressed here are strictly my own.
Toy Piano for Kids: My First Piano by Schoenhut
We have a new favorite toy in our house. Meet the toy piano for kids called My First Piano by Schoenhut. Darah has been rocking out on it every day for the last few weeks. She absolutely lights up when we pull it out. At first she would just bang on all the keys, but now I notice that she is doing some experiments with the keys. She will just hit one key at a time, or maybe two. She even hits different parts of the piano to hear different noises, or uses different toys she has to hit the keys to see if the sound is different. It is beyond awesome to watch her little brain at work, and to see the joy on her face as she “makes music.” Darah has started to try to pull herself up using the piano, and I’m so relieved to tell you that it has even threatened to tip over. This is a sturdy toy, and I know it is going to be around for baby #2! The adults in the house like the piano, too. Tim and I have both caught each other playing songs on the piano when Darah wasn’t even in the same room! 🙂 This piano is recommended for little ones between 6 months and 2 years, and that seems just about right to me.
We were sent this little piano from a really cool website called Toys and Games Online. (Edited: Toys and Games Online is no more, but fortunately, this piano for kids is available on Amazon!) I am so glad to learn about this store; it is now bookmarked as a go-to-site when I need to find very cool and engaging toys for Darah or for other children in my life. I have yet to find another store that offers as many high quality toys. They are also organized very nicely and in a variety of ways (theme, gender, outdoor, indoor, building, etc.). A majority of the toys on site also have reviews from individuals who have purchased the toy. I always appreciate this feature, as it helps me buy with confidence!
Toys and Games Online is an incredible store, but the company behind it is even more incredible. It is part of the CSN Stores family. This company includes over 200 stores offering pretty much everything you can think of, from mattresses to water tubes! I really encourage you to take s look at all of their stores and see what you can find. I bet that you’ll find some really cool stores that carry just the thing you’ve been trying to find for a while! I’m taking a close look right now at their affordable sofas and their area rugs.
Check out CSN Stores, and leave a comment below about a store you found that you like! This will be worth an extra entry in an upcoming giveaway!
Disclosure: I was sent the piano pictured above in order to facilitate my review. The opinions in this post are strictly my own. Affiliate links may be included at no cost to you.
Children’s Books Made into Movies! (Scholastic Giveaway!!!)
Hopefully we are all in agreement that there is just no substitute for reading to and with your child. Tim and I cherish story time with Darah. Even though her primary goal right now is to get the corner of any book we read into her mouth, we know that she is still absorbing language and learning that books are a source of great fun.
As your child progresses along in his or her relationship with books, there are some cool ways to reinforce the value of reading. Scholastic has a really great dvd series that is designed for children and their parents. The dvds contain popular children’s books made into movies, and encourage children to read along with the story by including the text on the screen and highlighting the words as they are spoken.
We received the Treasury of 50 Storybook Classics
to review. While Darah is a bit too young to view these herself, Tim and I have played some of the stories. We really liked that the book illustrations were used for the stories as opposed to cartoons. This helps keep the focus on the words being spoken, and it keeps it from having the feel of a television show that changes screen shots every 2-3 seconds. We were also pleasantly surprised when we heard some familiar voices serving as narrators (Meryl Streep and John Lithgow are two examples).
This collection seems to be appropriate for children ages 2 or 3 and up. We will definitely be showing these to Darah in a few years, and we are glad to have them on hand for when our nieces visit. This isn’t something I would be inclined to turn on for kids and just leave them alone with, but rather, these are terrific stories to experience with children, so that you can read along and encourage them to try to read, too. You can also pause the videos to talk about what you are seeing in the pictures. Another great idea is to check out some of the books in the set from your local library, and then when you view the dvds you can have the books on hand, too!
Buy It!: This entire collection contains over 8 hours of delightful stories for a terrific price: $49.95! That’s just $1 per story. We all know how pricey books are, so this is a great deal. It is currently available on Amazon for just $32!
Win It!: I bet you know a little bookworm in the making who would love to have this set! Scholastic wants to make that happen for one lucky Stuff Parents Need reader, who will score the 50 Storybook Classics dvd set we reviewed! The contest will run until Saturday, April 10th at 7:59pm CST. A winner will be randomly selected and emailed, and will have 48 hours to claim the prize. Open to residents of the United States.
EDIT: Giveaway closed
How to Enter:
Mandatory Entry: Tell me the story in this collection you would read along with first!
Additional Entries:
1. Subscribe to my blog via RSS or email (one extra entry total, even if you subscribe both ways)
2. Follow me through Google connect
3. Put my button on your blog and leave a url where I can find it
4. Subscribe to the Scholastic Treasures DVD newsletter (bottom left corner)
5. Follow Stuff Parents Need on Twitter (leave your TwitterID)
6. Tell me one other Scholastic Storybook Treasures box set you would also like to own!
7. Enter any other currently open giveaway on my site (one extra entry per giveaway that you enter)
I received a complimentary product for review purposes. All thoughts and opinions expressed here are strictly my own. This post may contain affiliate links.
Best Baby Shower Decoration Idea!
As we all know, one of the really fun things about reading blogs is that different bloggers often have really cool product reviews and giveaways. The very first blog giveaway I ever won was for a diaper cake from Diaper Cakewalk. I was pregnant at the time, and for the last 2 months of my pregnancy, I used the diaper cake as the centerpiece on our dining room table! It was just that cute, folks! It served as a reminder that our big day was close at hand, and since it was an eco-friendly diaper cake, it also reminded us to try to go green as much as possible as we prepared for our baby.

Concerned about how the cake will hold up during shipping? Don’t be! My cake arrived in MINT condition, ready for immediate display. These diaper cakes are very well-constructed!
EDIT: Giveaway closed
Win It!: I am so excited to have the opportunity to give away a 3-tiered diaper cake from her bestseller category! You are going to flip if you win this! The contest will run until Friday, April 9th at 7:59pm CST. A winner will be randomly selected and emailed, and will have 48 hours to claim the prize. Open to residents of the United States.
Mandatory Entry: Pick out the 3-tiered diaper cake you would choose if you won. Choose wisely, as you will win what you pick out!
Additional Entries:
1. Subscribe to my blog via RSS or email (only one extra entry total, even if you subscribe both ways)
2. Follow me through Google connect
3. Put my button on your blog and leave a url where I can find it
4. Become a fan of Diaper Cakewalk on Facebook
5. Follow Stuff Parents Need on Twitter (leave your Twitter ID)
6. Follow Diaper Cakewalk on Twitter (leave your Twitter ID)
7. Enter any other currently open giveaway on my site (one extra entry per giveaway that you enter)
Part-Time Cloth Diapering: Here we Go!
We have been a disposable diaper family since before Darah was born. The thought of cloth diapering or part-time cloth diapering never even occurred to me. When I was pregnant I used online resources and a whole lot of coupons to get some really good deals on disposable diapers in sizes 1-3. Doing this helped take the sting out of the expense of buying diapers so that we have only had to purchase a handful of packages since Darah was born.
In my world outside of blogging, I only know 1 person who used cloth diapers, and she used the hybrid system (gDiapers ). They really sounded like the best of both worlds, but the price was just something I couldn’t afford, which is why we decided not to pursue that method of diapering for Darah. I didn’t (and still don’t!) personally know a single person who uses any other type of cloth diaper.
You have probably noticed, however, that there tends to be a disproportionate number of mommy bloggers who are using cloth. I have no idea why this is, but it has really fascinated me! Cloth diapering mamas seems to constantly be singing the praises of their favorite cloth diaper companies, and swearing up and down that cloth diapering is EASY. The overall thriftiness of cloth diapering, however, is what really piqued my curiosity.
Over the last few months I have started paying attention to cloth diaper posts. I’m starting to learn the lingo (which, by the way, is very intimidating and overwhelming to a newbie). I’ve even started entering cloth diaper giveaways. I figured that if I won one, then it was meant to be and we were going to give it a try.
Well, I did win one! Stay tuned for my next post where I tell you all about our very first cloth diaper experience, courtesy of Holden’s Landing.
I’d love to hear all the mama’s who DON’T cloth diaper talk about why you are choosing/chose not to. There’s no judgment from me for not doing it…I can relate to being wary about going cloth! 🙂
Reversible Bib with Magnets: The Best Bib EVER!
Just this morning, right after I got Darah dressed for the day, I reached into her bib basket to get a bib for her. My favorite bibs were both gone, so I just grabbed a smaller one (that really should be put away in the attic by now, but oh well). You probably see where this is going. The bib had “served its purpose” within 4 minutes, and her clothes were also totally covered in spit up. Bleh!
Some of this was my fault for putting a small bib on her, but even if she had been sporting a larger bib, it still would have been totally used up with that one incident. Even though I do laundry almost every other day at this point, I still find myself running out of bibs on occasion because I never know if she’ll keep a bib on for 2 hours or 4 minutes! In our house, it seems that bibs last such a brief time on the days when I’m behind on laundry (darn you, Murphy’s law!).
One thing I absolutely LOVE about the blogging community is learning about ingenious products that help solve problems. A little while back Mommy Loves Giveaways featured a clever bib, and I just melted at the sight of it (no judging for the fact that a functional bib can make me swoon!).
It is my pleasure to now introduce you to the Reversible Double Bib by Bebe au Lait. This is actually 4 bibs in 1! The bib has magnets that hold together two layers of coverage. When the first layer gets soiled, simply switch out the layers. When the second layer gets soiled, take off the bib, make the back of the bib become the front, and put it back on for two more layers of coverage. GENIUS!!!!! This bib has made it through the messiest of feedings with Darah (have I mentioned that she intercepts the spoon with her hands and then quickly rubs the food all over her face?!). I have also sent this to daycare and because it has 4 usable sides, it has made it through an entire day of her drooling and spitting up. The ladies who watch her commented that it was one of the coolest things they had ever seen.
The magnets are a feature that I especially love on this bib. No more strings that are dangerous or velcro that ruins everything in the wash. It also means that switching between the bib panels takes no time at all. Woo hoo! I also just love the cute fabric choices that they offer for the Reversible Double Bib. Notice that the patterns are busy and bold…this is so necessary for anything that it meant to catch big messes!
All in all, I have to say that this bib goes the distance unlike anything else I’ve ever seen. I think these would be an outstanding shower gift for an expecting mom, or a great addition to your own bib stash if you have a little one. I guarantee it will be the bib that never makes it out of the clean laundry basket before it is put to use again!
Buy It!: Holy smokes! Bebe au Lait is having a 25% off sale on their bibs (and other products). RUN to their site and make a purchase, as the sale ends Sunday. You will be so glad you did!
EDIT: Giveaway closed
Win It!: Bebe au Lait has generously offered one Reversible Double Bib for a lucky Stuff Parents Need reader! The contest will run until Wednesday, April 7th at 7:59pm CST. A winner will be randomly selected and emailed, and will have 48 hours to claim the prize. Open to residents of the United States.
How To Enter:
Mandatory Entry: Tell me the pattern you would choose for your Bebe au Lait Double Reversible Bib. Choose wisely, as this will be what you get if you win!
Additional Entries:
1. Subscribe to my blog via RSS or email (only one extra entry total, even if you subscribe both ways)
2. Follow me through Google connect
3. Put my button on your blog and leave a url where I can find it
4. Sign up for the Bebe au Lait mailing list (bottom right corner of the page)
5. Become a fan of Bebe au Lait on Facebook
6. Follow Stuff Parents Need on Twitter (leave your Twitter ID)
7. Follow Bebe au Lait onTwitter (leave your Twitter ID)
8. Enter any other currently open giveaway on my site (one extra entry per giveaway that you enter)
Disclosure: I was provided with a product sample in order to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are strictly my own.
Garlic Chicken Pizza Recipe
Garlic Chicken Pizza Recipe
Source: Cooking Light Magazine
Servings: 4
2 tbsp Red Wine Vinegar
1 1/2 tsp Dijon Mustard
4 Cloves Garlic, minced
1 Prepared Pizza Crust
1 1/2 cups Cooked Chicken Breasts
1 cup Plum Tomatoes
1 cup Mushrooms
3/4 cup Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
1/4 Feta Cheese
1/4 Cup Parmesan Cheese
1/4 Cup Green Onions
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Combine first three ingredients. Place crust on backing sheet or pizza stone; brush vinegar mixture over crust. Top with chicken, tomato and mushrooms; sprinkle with cheeses and green onions. Bake for 15 minutes or until the cheese melts.
This is a highly controversial dish in the House of M. I LOOOOVE it, and Tim only likes it ok. Given the fact that it is pizza, for Tim to only like it ok is really saying something. It’s really all about the vinegar. Tim doesn’t like the taste of it. Any ideas for how we can re-create this pizza and lose the red wine vinegar???
Welcome This Mama Rocks Readers!
Thanks so much to This Mama Rocks for featuring Stuff Parents Need as the Blog of the Week! If you are visiting for the first time, please check out all the great giveaways I have on hand, and if you like what you see, please follow or subscribe to my blog, as I have lots of new reviews and giveaways on the horizon, and people who follow or subscribe always earn extra entries!!! Leave me a comment, too, as I absolutely love hearing from readers!
If you are unfamiliar with This Mama Rocks, please go check her out. She is a blogger who inspires me with her great content and super cool giveaways. This is definitely a blog you’ll want to follow!
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