Ever since I told my little secret (which is that I have been using essential oils, even though I was a pretty big skeptic about the whole thing), people have been approaching me with lots of questions about how they can get started. I thought I’d get it all written down in one place so everyone can see the answers, because for every one person who has asked me these questions, there are likely several more of you who are wondering the same thing but haven’t asked, yet!
Step 1: Learn With Us!
I’m part of a small Facebook group started by my friend Kayla called Oil Love. It’s a friendly, no pressure environment where we can feel free to ask questions about using essential oils and share with each other what we are learning, and what works for us. If you are trying to determine if essential oils are right for your family, the Facebook group is a great place to start.
Step 2: Get Signed Up!
Ok, so Young Living makes incredibly AWESOME products that I trust and that I am certain you will love. They ROCK OUT at producing the best of the best essential oils. They do NOT rock out at making the sign up process simple and completely intuitive. That’s ok, I can help with this piece!
When you go to sign up, you have two choices: you can sign up as a retail customer, or you can sign up as a wholesale member. Think of signing up as a wholesale member like signing up for Costco or Sam’s Club. You are going to be offered discounted prices if you go this route (24% off, which can add up quickly!). If you sign up as a retail customer, you are under no obligation to make any specific purchase and can buy a much or a little as you like.
If you sign up as a wholesale member, you are required to buy a starter kit. You have several options from which to choose, and I will tell you which one I STRONGLY recommend in just a minute. Please know that once you sign up as a wholesale member, you are NOT required to make additional purchases every month if you don’t want to. Young Living does have an Essential Rewards program that you are eligible to enroll in and that does ship out monthly, but I will cover what that entails in a different post, so don’t worry about it for now. All you need to remember is that aside from a starter kit, which is a one time purchase, wholesale members are not committing to additional purchases, so fear not!
Um, Why Does Young Living Need My Social?
I definitely gave this part of the enrollment form my sideways glance. Always ask questions any time someone is asking for your social security number! I do have the reason for you in this case, though. If you sign up as a wholesale member, then you are eligible to earn commissions and referral bonuses if your friends ever make purchases based on your recommendations. Young Living has to report those to the IRS, and hence, they must have your social security number on file if you ever earn any money by referring folks to them. You are NOT expected to start selling essential oils by becoming a wholesale member. Young Living just knows from experience how friends talk to friends, and how sales often get made, not really even on purpose, and they want to pay you, even for those accidental sales! 🙂 Think of it as similar to when you share Zulily or a Groupon deal and earn credit for spreading the word. Same kind of thing!
Which Starter Kit to Select
Ok, so while there are several different kit options in section 2 of the enrollment from which you can choose, if you want my opinion, there’s really only one great option, and that is the premium starter kit (the very first kit you can choose from the selection). The bad news: it is the most expensive, at $160. The good news: It is BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS the best deal on the site. You will get 11 different essential oils (including the VERY expensive frankincense), as well as a diffuser in this kit. The other kits only come with tiny sample packets…not really enough to get a good feel for if you even like the oils. The premium starter kit has a retail value of around $300, and it gives you SO many great oils that can do SO many things. It really is the perfect way to get properly introduced to Young Living and to essential oils, in general. It’s how I started out, and I have zero regrets about my purchase. In fact, I wish I could purchase it again, to tell the truth!
Wait, Do I Need TWO Starter Kits?
I was very thrown off guard when I got signed up and saw section 3 of the enrollment form, which was for yet another starter kit of some sort (these are called essential rewards kits). Please note that step 3 on the enrollment form is completely OPTIONAL and you can skip right past it without selecting something! I totally skipped it, myself. Be sure to click the button at the bottom of the list that says, “No, thank you.”
What If I Want Wholesale Pricing WITHOUT Becoming a Wholesale Member?
I can help you with that, too! I can place an order for you at any time using my wholesale membership benefits. As long as you have PayPal, we can work something out so that you can get your oils at the wholesale price. I signed up for the membership so that I can get the best possible price for oils, and so that I can share that discount with others, so just let me know if you want me to place an order for you!
Step 3 (Optional): Get a Reference Book
I got MUCH more comfortable with essential oils once I ordered and read through the Essential Oils Pocket Reference. Not everyone may agree with me, but I think if you are hoping to use essential oils for more than just 1 purpose, then this guide is going to be extremely useful. It helps you understand the science behind essential oils and gives very specific recommendations for which oils to use and how to use them for a wide variety of conditions.
Ok, so now that you know all of your options for learning about and purchasing oils, you are ready to go! If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to email me at stuffparentsneed (at) gmail (dot) com. I’m here to help!
More essential oils posts:
Trying Essential Oils as a Skeptic
Lung and Sinus Support During Allergy Season
DIY Shower Disks for Congestion
Sugar and Essential Oils Scrub for Keratosis Pilaris (bumpy skin)
Use Lemon Essential Oil to Safely Remove Crayon Marks
How to Get Free Essential Oils Without Starting a Business (It’s EASY!!!)
How to Get Rid of Hiccups with Peppermint Oil
How to Strengthen Brittle Nails with Essential Oils
Back-to-School Germ Relief with Thieves
How to Neutralize Bathroom Odors in a Flash
Disclaimer: I’m sharing my own personal experiences and opinions, and am not claiming that you will have the exact same experience or results that I have. I am also not offering medical advice of any sort. Always consult with your doctor if you have questions or concerns before trying essential oils.