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One of the things I quickly noticed about having a young infant is that “playing” with them is sort of hard. What sort of activities does one do with an infant that isn’t even crawling, yet? Baby Einstein discovery cards for infants are the way to go, people!
The wild animal flash cards by Baby Einstein feature 30 pictures of live animals (as opposed to drawings of animals). They have animals you would find relatively close to your home, such as dogs, cats, and squirrels, and they have more exotic creatures like reef fish, tigers and elephants. The animal flash cards are sturdy, though not indestructible.
I purchased these discovery cards for my niece, and gave them to her when she was 10 months old. She has thoroughly enjoyed playing with them, and at 1 1/2 years old now, they remain in her toy chest as a favorite!
When I bought the cards for her, I bought a second set and tucked them away for my little bundle. While the package suggests that these flashcards are most appropriate for ages 9 months and up, I have to say that Darah already enjoys looking at these pictures at 7 weeks old. We’ve actually been showing them to her for weeks, and she seems intrigued. Keep in mind that for small infants, “looking” is one of the big things that they do, so having interesting things for them to look at is always a good thing. We rarely go through the entire set of Baby Einstein discovery cards with her at one time, as this can overwhelm her. I’m sure that when she gets older, though, we’ll go through the set several times without her tiring of looking at the animals. The back of the cards also have animal facts that we read to her now (simply to expose her to as many words as possible).
I wanted to highlight these baby Einstein animal flash cards because this is an educational product that I’m sure our baby will use for at least the first 1 1/2 -2 years of her life. Considering how quickly babies “outgrow” their toys, this makes this a terrific find. I’m sure that other picture flashcard sets would be equally exciting to your little one! I find the best selection at Amazon, though you can sometimes find them at Toys R Us, too.
This post contains an affiliate link. All thoughts and opinions expressed here are strictly my own.