This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Huggies, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #HuggiesSwimmers
Mommy confession time: until last weekend, I had never EVER purchased or even used swim diapers on my kids.
Before you start thinking that I’m the gross mom who doesn’t pay attention to pool rules, I HAVE been using cloth diapers to serve as swim diapers. And if I’m being totally honest with you, I never really saw the point of using any type of swim diaper, cloth or disposable, other than to contain poo, should that happen while you are playing in the water. Does it really hold in the pee? I certainly had my doubts…
But I noticed a sweet $1.50 off coupon for Huggies Little Swimmers at Target, and decided this was the right time to at least give this product a try.
So I headed to Target with my coupon printed and ready to go, and I made my way over to the baby section. Ok, let’s be real. First I stopped by the clearance racks of the women’s clothing department (finds included a $9 red belted dress, a $15 teal green blazer and a $4 emerald green tank top. Score!!!). So after that most excellent diversion, I went to the baby section and I located the #Huggiesswimmers diapers. I made sure it was a match with my coupon, and then loaded it into my cart.
Over the weekend, I certainly didn’t have to twist anyone’s arms to go outside and play with the water table. It is a source of much fun for my girls, and I love it, too, because I can hang back a little bit while they play and read an interesting book check Facebook. I learned from the very first time that they played with the splash table to have them in swimsuits, or at the very least, to have them in clothes that could get COMPLETELY soaked. And if you add a little dish soap to the water…get ready for miles of smiles!
One thing I noticed about the Huggies Little Swimmers is that they were very trim and didn’t stick out much from the sides of the swimsuit. My cloth diapers definitely stick out much more than this, so I thought that aesthetically, the Little Swimmers looked a lot better.
Layah loved the water so much that she insisted on sitting in the splash table to finish up her play time. Surely this would be the ultimate test for the diaper….time to get completely SOAKED!!!
After she played in there for a good 15 minutes, it was time to take her out. I was already smirking, just knowing that I’d see a bloated diaper, all filled up with water and looking gross. Here’s what I actually saw:
My jaw actually dropped when I pulled her out. This “soaked” diaper is no fluffier than it was when it was dry. That means that she is weighted down by a water-logged hiney while she continues her play. If I put an insert into her cloth diaper when she is doing water play (which I often do), then this is BIG difference between what I normally use and Huggies Little Swimmers. I was totally skeptical of this product, but I have to tell you honestly: I’m really impressed with it.
Aside from outside play at our house, I’m actually really looking forward to using these any time we go swimming somewhere. If I’m carrying Huggies Little Swimmers with us on the splash park, for example, I don’t have to bring home a soggy, wet diaper to clean. That makes for less mess for me. We are all headed to a conference later this month out of town and there are several swimming options there. If I had been using cloth for the trip, I would have had a few days’ worth of really wet diapers to bring back home. That would have been pretty gross, and I would have even been putting the diapers at risk of getting moldy. So now that I think about it, it would have been a really bad idea to take cloth. With Huggies Little Swimmers, I don’t have to worry about that!
Is your little one rockin’ the swim diaper this year? Am I the only mama on the planet who hadn’t tried them until recently? If you’ve got them on your shopping list, don’t forget about that great coupon for $1.50 off at Target!